DogDay Animation
Just something silly I wanted to do
Rent For Leisure
Rent For Leisure provides upscale chauffeur-driven vehicles for private transportation and rentals, offering a luxurious experience with professional drivers, high-end vehicles, and personalized service catering to clients who seek comfort, style, and convenience on their travels.
Klonoa Zine
This website was created for the marketing and publicity of a fanzine themed around the Klonoa Phantasy Reverie Series to commemorate its first anniversary. The zine includes a collection of full-color illustrations by 26 different artists.
Bukoya's Starborn Universe
Bukoya's Starborn Universe is an art portfolio project which showcases art of the artist known as Bukoya.
Life Creek Health
Life Creek Health provides information to an alternative option from health insurance, which is known as Health Sharing. One major benefit is that it's much more affordable in comparison to traditional health insurance.